Report: EU – Pacific Talks: H2 – Hydrogen Hype
David Plhák napsal report z debaty EU - Pacific Talks na téma: H2 – Hydrogen Hype. Debata nastínila současný stav vodíkového hospodářství
a jeho roli v úsilí o klimatickou neutralitu a snižování energetické závislosti na vodíku EU, Česka a Japonska.
23. března 2022

Czechia is in many respects similar to Japan in its limited
ability to rely fully on renewables. It is therefore in the interest of Czechia to increase hydrogen
imports and its use in the energy mix. In order to ensure a steady supply of hydrogen the gas
system operators of Czechia, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Germany launched in 2021 joined initiative to create a Central European Hydrogen corridor in an effort to create a supply of
hydrogen from Ukraine. Unfortunately, given the Russian aggression on Ukraine, this project
must be stopped, until Ukraine will be free of war again.
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