Rationality of the EU ETS: Holding it Together or Preventing Deeper Changes?

Jan Šťáhlavský ze Stockholm Resilience Centre vypracoval policy paper, který slouží jako podkladový materiál pro druhou diskusi ze série Prague Climate Talks. Ta proběhne 3. října 2017 v Evropském domě. Hlavním tématem paperu je nástroje Evropské unie pro boj se změnami klimatu - Evropský systém emisního obchodování (EU ETS).
The EU ETS is often referred to as the most important climate policy instrument of the EU, yet it is not without flaws. It is the largest carbon trading system in use, often called the pioneer of carbon trading. This policy paper focuses on presenting the rational underpinning of the EU ETS and its significance in the climate change governance under the Paris regime. It focuses on the biggest flaw of the system – the oversupply of cheap allowances - and its causes.
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