Policy Paper: Česká vzdělávací politika - Zvyšování atraktivity učitelské profese v České republice
Náš Milan Urbaník publikoval policy paper o Zvyšování atraktivity učitelské profese v České republice.
16. září 2019

- The European cooperation in education and training (ET2020) policy framework formulated standards against which the performance of Czech education system can be compared. The goals, progression towards which will be evaluated by the EU next year, demand the share of 15-year-olds that are under-skilled in reading, mathematics and science be under 15%. Currently, the Czech education system fails to equip every fifth 15-year-old pupil with these basic skills. Furthermore, the share of low-performers has increased in both science and mathematics, the scores remained stagnating for reading since the first measurement (2003 in Maths, 2009 in Reading, 2006 in Science). On the other hand, almost every fifth principal cites the shortage of qualified teachers as a main barrier to providing better education. To meet the ET2020 objectives and provide the future of the nation with adequate skills for the labour market, active citizenship and challenges of tomorrow, the attractiveness of teaching profession should be improved by consistent increases in salaries and social esteem of the profession.
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