EU MONITOR: Konference o budoucnosti Evropy z perspektivy České republiky
V novém EU MONITORU náš výzkumný pracovník Vít Havelka komentuje Konferenci o budoucnosti Evropy z perspektivy České republiky. V této souvislosti zmiňuje přístup vlády a české veřejnosti k politikám debatovaným na Konferenci.
9. června 2021

Czech attitudes towards the Conference have not been elaborated on the expert level either. The following paper therefore tries to fill this research gab and clarify how Czechs perceive the Conference on the Future of Europe and what influence it might potentially have on the Czech perception of the EU. Finally, the article will address both the political and societal level of the question, thus drawing a wider perspective of what other Member States might expect from the Czech Republic.
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