Council Presidency and Brexit: from unexpected calm to likely storm
Vladimír Bilčík vypracoval v rámci projektu Think Visegrad publikaci o slovenském předsednictví v EU a brexitu.
31. ledna 2017

Vladimír Bilčík v rámci projektu Think Visegrad publikoval práci zaměřující se na brexit a předsednictví EU, kterého se v době referenda o odchodu Velké Británie z EU ujímala Slovenská republika.
- Several direct protagonists of Slovakia’s EU Council Presidency have underlined how representatives of member states in Brussels managed to separate the issue of Brexit from regular Council agenda. Although, upon the results of the UK referendum, many thought that Slovakia’s agenda for EU Council Presidency would be completely derailed by the possible consequences of the British referendum, the UK decision did not sweep aside original priorities. In short, the Council Presidency operated under business as usual.
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