Eastern Monitor: Bidenova administrativa jako šance na nový začátek ve spolupráci mezi USA a EU v oblasti západního Balkánu

Naše výzkumná pracovnice Jana Juzová se ve svém posledním článku, ze série Eastern Monitor, zaměřuje na zahraniční administrativu amerického prezidenta Joea Bidena ve vztahu k EU a možné vznikající spolupráci na západním Balkáně.

After the drift in the transatlantic relations under the Trump administration in the past four years many changes are expected by the new Joe Biden administration. One of the foreign policy areas where major changes are to come is Western Balkans and the continued stabilization and normalization processes in the region. While in most of areas the capacity of the new U.S. President and his administration to achieve visible changes during the short time span of the first term is limited, in the case of the Western Balkans it represents a real opportunity for some positive impact. The historical experience showed that progress in the region can be achieved only through a coordinated joint approach by the U.S. and the EU.

The result of the elections is also due to Biden’s history with the region great news especially for Kosovo. His hard stance on Serbs in the 1990s as well as his open support to Kosovo independence suggest that the small nation will now have a strong partner on its side, and Biden is the most desirable President for Kosovo. This expectation was reaffirmed by Biden’s statement urging for the continuation of the Dialogue, leading towards mutual recognition.

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#Joe Biden #Zahraničí EU #Vztahy EU a USA

Jana Juzová
Seniorní výzkumná pracovnice

Expertíza: regionalismus, Visegrádská spolupráce, demokratizace a evropská integraci zemí západního Balkánu, proces rozšiřování EU

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