Očekávání členských států od německého předsednictví v Radě EU

Christian Kvorning Lassen z Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM spolu s Janem Kovářem z Ústavu mezinárodních vztahů napsali komentář "Czechia: economic recovery at the expense of climate and solidarity" pro publikaci EPIN Report, která se věnuje německému předsednictví v Radě EU, jež začíná v červenci.

As Germany assumes the presidency of the Council of the EU, the Union is facing the “biggest test of its history” according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and a severe economic recession could not be more extraordinary. The weight of expectations on Berlin to assume a European leadership role during the presidency are as extraordinary as those challenges. What exactly do other member states expect from Germany and how do they set their policy priorities? To answer this, the European Policy Institutes Network (EPIN) has compiled an analysis of 15 different national perspectives.

Czechia hopes that Germany will forge a compromise that ensures more funding for the cohesion policy and more flexibility to use those funds, including those allocated to the European Green Deal. Czechs look towards the German presidency in hope that the salience of the Green Deal will fall, arguing instead that the pandemic requires a delay – or even abandonment – of a principally green-based restructuring of the economy. The fact that studies based on the previous financial crisis indicate that green investments are ideally positioned to spur economic recovery is ignored; the resistance towards climate neutrality in Czechia is ideological rather than empirical.

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#EPIN #Německo #předsednictví

Christian Kvorning Lassen
Zástupce ředitele & vedoucí výzkumu

Expertiza: Migrace/evropská migrační krize, zahraniční politika EU, mezinárodní právo týkající se humanitárních intervencí, skandinávská politika, populismus

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