Otázka maďarského využití tématu migrace při tvorbě politiky

Náš Mark Szabo ve svém nejnovějším blogu zkoumá otázku maďarského využití tématu migrace při tvorbě politiky.

This migratory wave prompted a rise in nationalist discourse among more conservatively-oriented nation states, opposing the influx of foreign-born nationals, while other countries were willing to open their borders to prop up their economies due to a shortage of workers or other factors such as adherence to international human rights, rights to asylum and fulfillment of international obligations that countries has committed themselves to since the end of the World War II.

Among the states vehemently opposed to migration was and still is Hungary, whose long-ruling Prime Minister Viktor Orban, was one of the figureheads advocating against the opening of borders, since one of the larger migration routes, the Western Balkan route, went through the country.

Celý článek najdete zde.


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