Spouštíme nový projekt "Visegrad v EU - Jak moc na nás záleží?" pod vedením ředitele EUROPEA Vladimíra Bartovice.
Timeframe: September 2013 – October 2015
The project will analyse and critically evaluate the track record of the V4 membership in the EU ten years since the accession, by analysing the achievements as well as shortcomings (individual as well as joint) in four crucial EU policy areas. It will likewise assess the potential for future collaboration in these areas by analyzing the V4 countries strategic interests and by assessing the degree of convergence among them. The project will entail research, joint events and publications.
Project objectives:
Policy areas that will be examined in detail within the project framework:
1) EU constitutional and institutional set-up and EMU
2) EU single market
3) Freedom, Security and Justice
4) EU external relations
Project outputs/deliverables:
Foundation Institute of Public Affairs (Poland)
Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (Hungary)
Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (Slovakia)
Expertiza: Institucionální problémy EU, Ekonomicke a Měnové Unie, Euro a Evropský rozpočet, Brexit, zahraniční politika EU, rozšíření EU na Západní Balkán, Slovenská zahraniční a domácí politika a ekonomické problematiky