Vox: France’s best hope against a far-right takeover is an inexperienced former banker

Náš zástupce ředitele Martin Michelot v rozhovoru pro Vox komentoval šance Emmanuela Macrona v boji proti Marine Le Pen v nadcházejících prezidentských volbách.

Náš zástupce ředitele Martin Michelot v rozhovoru pro Vox komentoval šance Emmanuela Macrona v boji proti Marine Le Pen v nadcházejících prezidentských volbách.

He worked as an investment banker, which makes him hated, openly, by a part of the population who like nothing more than to criticize banks. But it is a funny argument, because people say, ‘He is a banker, he has no political experience, he’s never been elected.’ But at same time, [they] criticize people like [Francois] Fillon or Marine Le Pen who have been elected or been in politics their whole life.

Macron is a superstar in London, Berlin, Montreal — basically all the cities that French entrepreneurs have emigrated to to pursue business opportunities, especially in the startup world.

Celý článek je k dispozici v anglickém jazyce na stránkách Vox zde

#Francie #prezidentské volby #Marine Le Pen #Emmanuel Macron

Martin Michelot
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