Ve spolupráci s European Movement Serbia a Regional Cooperation Council Vás srdečně zveme na prezentaci ''Presentation of Advocacy Strategy for the EU Integration of the Western Balkans'' a menší následné občerstvení.
Prezentace proběhne v úterý 6. prosince 2016 od 17:00 do 18:30 v Langhans Centrum Člověka v tísni (Vodičkova 37, Prague 1)
Pozvání přijali:
The Western Balkan countries do not have an advocacy strategy aimed at promoting and speeding up their EU accession. Although there is growing awareness of the need for such a strategy, it has transpired that the WB government institutions have only communication strategies targeting specific groups within their national borders: decision makers and initiators/multipliers of public awareness of the EU accession process, youth, or opponents of integration. However, these strategies have not been oriented towards the relevant target groups in the EU. The Advocacy Strategy for the EU Integration of the Western Balkans - Guidelines (ASWB), developed by eight Western Balkan and Visegrad Group think tanks, is the first initiative of the kind. What kind of lessons learned of the V4 cooperation can be applied in case of Western Balkans.
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#Advocacy Strategy #Západní Balkán #Evropská integraceOblasti zájmu: Politické strany, národní identita, V4
Expertiza: Migrace/evropská migrační krize, zahraniční politika EU, mezinárodní právo týkající se humanitárních intervencí, skandinávská politika, populismus