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British politicians made Farage’s 2019 European election campaign easy

Náš Jirka Lacina sepsal blog o kandidatuře Nigela Farageho ve volbách do Evropského parlamentu.
22. května 2019
  • In 2014, Nigel Farage built the successful campaign of his (now former) UK Independence Party (UKIP) on spreading fear about migration. This year, Farage’s new group, the Brexit Party, is using three years of major parties’ indecisiveness and political stalemate to gain support in the campaign.

Nigel Farage, the leader of UKIP, led a winning campaign based on demagogy, criticism of the EU, anti-immigration sentiments and right-wing populism, strengthening people’s fears and offering easy solutions to complex problems. The same tactics would later sweep most of Europe.

What would Farage’s win in the European elections mean? He has said it would “put a no-deal Brexit back on the table” and, consequently, he would demand being a part of the Brexit negotiations. True to form, this is unlikely to materialize; Brexit being a domestic matter, he will have no influence on Brexit from the European Parliament.

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