Deník N | Europe is lagging behind the US and China, it would have to invest to prosper. What does the Czech budget has to say to that?

In a report to the European Commission, Mario Draghi, former Italian Prime Minister and head of the European Central Bank, warns that without massive investment in green technology, digitalization and defense, Europe will lose its competitiveness. The report was commented by Associate Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute Klára Votavová.

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Deník N | Evropa zaostává za USA a Čínou, k prosperitě by se musela proinvestovat. Co na to český rozpočet?

Bývalý italský premiér a šéf Evropské centrální banky Mario Draghi ve zprávě pro Evropskou komisi varuje, že bez masívních investicí do zelených technologií, digitalizace a obrany, ztratí Evropa svoji konkurenceschopnost. Pro Deník N zprávu komentovala výzkumná spolupracovnice Institutu EUROPEUM Klára Votavová.

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ČRo: What will be the first steps of the new Italian Prime Minister?

Italy has a new government headed by Giorgia Meloni. She took over from her predecessor Mario Draghi on Sunday and was sworn in by President Sergio Mattarella on Saturday. Meloni will lead Italy's most right-wing government since World War II, with Matteo Salvini of the right-wing League of the North party and Antonio Tajani of the conservative Up Italy party as her deputies. The first steps of the new Italian prime minister were outlined by our Associate Research Fellow Alexandr Lagazzi for Czech Radio.

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ČRo: Jaké budou první kroky nové italské premiérky?

Itálie má novou vládu, v jejímž čele je historicky první žena – Giorgia Meloni. V neděli převzala úřad od svého předchůdce Maria Draghiho a v sobotu složila přísahu do rukou prezidenta Sergia Mattarelly. Meloni bude řídit nejpravicovatější vládu Itálie od konce 2. světové války, jejími zástupci jsou Matteo Salvini z pravicové strany Liga Severu a Antonio Tajani z konzervativní strany Vzhůru Itálie. První kroky nové italské premiérky přiblížil pro Český rozhlas náš výzkumný spolupracovník Alexandr Lagazzi.

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ČRo: Giorgia Meloni is very likely to become Italy's new Prime Minister

As expected, Italians chose the right in the early elections. According to commentators, the winner of the election is clearly the Brothers of Italy party, whose leader Giorga Meloni has already announced that she is ready to govern. Our research associate Alexandr Lagazzi also analysed this topic for Český rozhlas.

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E15: The new Italian government must continue with reforms. Support for Ukraine in Rome will probably recede

One of our research associate, Alexandr Lagazzi, commented on the upcoming Italian elections for E15. According to pre-election polls, it can be assumed that the right-wing coalition led by Giorgia Meloni will win the elections. However, according to experts, this result could represent a significant risk for the Italian economy, the drawing of contributions from the EU and the supply of weapons to Ukraine.

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What will Draghi’s government mean for Italy’s climate policy and the European Green Deal?

In a blog post, Charlotte Bufano writes about what Mario Draghi's government can mean for Italy's climate policy and the European Green Deal.

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TA3: The cabinet of the new Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi has gained confidence in the Senate. The government is still awaiting a vote in the Chamber

The cabinet of the new Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi has gained confidence in the Senate. The government is still awaiting a vote in the Chamber of Deputies. The cabinet of the former head of the European Central Bank is also expected to succeed there. Alexandr Lagazzi, a research associate of the Europeum Institute, told more about this topic for Slovak television TA3.

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