e15 | European politicians boycott Hungarian presidency. Will Orbán continue to provoke?

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán took over the EU Council presidency less than a month ago, but he has already managed to provoke the EU institutions and most member states with his unauthorized "peace" mission to Russia and China. During this mission, he presented himself as a representative of the European Union, despite having no authority to do so. European politicians have responded to this situation with initial retaliatory measures. How will Viktor Orbán proceed? What strategies and tactics might the Hungarian Prime Minister use during his presidency? Oszkár Roginer-Hofmeister, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this for e15.

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ČTK | Commission President is assembling her team of commissioners, but so far has few candidates

After being approved by the European Parliament, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is starting to assemble her team of commissioners. Some countries have already submitted their candidates, but many are still pending, including the Czech Republic. In Czechia, discussions about potential candidates are ongoing, with additional names being proposed alongside those suggested by the STAN political party. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments on the situation for Czech News Agency.

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ČT24 | Von der Leyen re-elected as president of the European Commission

Ursula von der Leyen has retained her position as President of the European Commission. She received a total of 401 votes, significantly exceeding the required majority of 361 votes. The result was not as close as expected. What ultimately helped her achieve victory? And how difficult was it for her to negotiate support? Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute, Žiga Faktor, commented for ČT24.

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STVR | The European Parliament will once again be led by Roberta Metsola

Roberta Metsola, a member of the European People's Party, has once again been elected President of the European Parliament. She was elected at the first session of the new European Parliament, with an overwhelming majority of MEPs voting in her favor. For Slovak STVR comments Filip Křenek, an analyst at EUROPEUM Institute.

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CNN Prima News | France Elects New Parliament

The French elections were surprisingly won by the left. Its partner in forming a government may be the alliance of President Emmanuel Macron. And on European level Marine Le Pen will join a new political party in the European Parliament, Patriots for Europe, which Czech politician Andrej Babiš co-founded. Listen to the comments of Viktor Daňek, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute for CNN Prima News.

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e15 | A run-off election starts in France. Macron and Bardella's double rule would weaken the country in the EU

The nationalist National Association of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella and left-wing parties are seeking victory in the second round. On the other hand, President Emmanuel Macron's party, is hoping for better results than in the first one. Researcher at EUROPEUM Institute Zuzana Krulichová commented for e15.

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Blesk.cz | Co se děje s EU?

Politické kormidlo Evropy nabírá nový směr. A podle politologů nijak příznivý. Ukázaly to výsledky voleb ve Francii, kde krajní pravice získala 37 mandátů a levicová koalice 32. Navíc - od víkendu je známo, že v Evropském parlamentu má vzniknout nová frakce – zaměřená více na národní zájmy. Jedním ze tří zakladatelů je šéf hnutí ANO Andrej Babiš. Pro Blesk.cz komentuje Žiga Faktor, zástupce ředitele a vedoucí bruselské kanceláře Institutu EUROPEUM.

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ČT24 | ANO establishes a political alliance with Orbán and Austrian FPÖ

The Italian League, led by Matteo Salvini, will join new European Parliament party announced by the ANO movement, along with Viktor Orbán's Fidesz and the Freedom Party of Austria. They have identified the sovereignty of countries, the fight against illegal migration and the revision of the Green Deal as priorities. The alliance, called Patriots for Europe, now intends to invite other parties, and the group must be made up of MEPs from at least seven countries. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for ČT24.

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ČRo Plus | Hungary takes over the European Presidency. How will the country considered to be the EU's troublemaker handle it?

Hungary took over the EU presidency today, giving Budapest, perceived as a troublemaker in the European institutions, a different role for six months. At the same time, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced over the weekend the formation of a new alliance in the European Parliament with the Czech ANO movement and the Freedom Party of Austria. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments on the formation of the new alliance.

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Lidovky.cz | New political group in the European Parliament: under the baton of Orbán

Visegrad sovereigntists. This is the name given by European circles to the upcoming new faction of the European Parliament, which is expected to include seven MEPs from the Czech ANO movement. The leader of the Czech opposition, Andrej Babiš, who led his MEPs out of the influential liberal Renew Europe, is working with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to establish the new group. Martin Vokálek, director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments on its formation.

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