British politicians made Farage’s 2019 European election campaign easy

Náš Jirka Lacina sepsal blog o kandidatuře Nigela Farageho ve volbách do Evropského parlamentu.

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ELECTIONS COMMENTARY: Economic Policies – Czech Party Programmes for the EP 2019 Elections

Vít Havelka, in his latest commentary, analyzes the economic policies of Czech political parties' programs for the European Parliament elections.

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IFAT: How Could the European Elections Reshape Central Europe’s Role in the EU?

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková contributed to the latest issue of the 4:1 project of the Hungarian Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT), whose topic was "How Could the European Elections Reshape Central Europe’s Role in the EU?".

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IFAT: How Could the European Elections Reshape Central Europe’s Role in the EU?

Naše Zuzana Stuchlíková přispěla do zatím posledního čísla série 4:1 maďarského Institutu zahraničních věcí a obchodu (Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade, IFAT), jehož téma bylo "How Could the European Elections Reshape Central Europe’s Role in the EU?".

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Slovak presidential elections: A country at a crossroads between progression and regression

Our Miroslava Pěčková wrote a blog focusing on the 2019 Slovak presidential elections.

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Slovak presidential elections: A country at a crossroads between progression and regression

Miroslava Pěčková se ve svém blogu zaměřila na letošní prezidentské volby na Slovensku.

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Viktor Orban et le PPE: l'heure des choix

Martin Michelot was a guest of the French public station France Inter (Radio France), where he commented on the possible expulsion of Fidesz, the party of Hungarian PM Viktor Orban, from the European political party EPP.

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Český rozhlas Plus: Jak hodnotíte odmítnutí smlouvy o odchodu z EU britskými poslanci?

Vít Havelka byl hostem vysílání Českého rozhlasu, kde odpovídal na otázky týkající se brexitu.

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ČT24: Theresa May survives the vote

Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of the morning Studio 6 where he commented no no-confidence vote.

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ČT24: Británie: Poslanci začínají debatovat o brexitu

Náš Vít Havelka byl hostem Studia ČT24, kde komentoval probíhající debatu britského parlamentu o odchodu Velké Británie z EU.

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