TV Nova | How to maintain competitiveness of the European Union

Elections to the European Parliament are approaching, and MEPs face an important task: to maintain the competitiveness of the European union in the face of growing dominance from China and the United States. Europe must also grapple with rising debt in most member states. What attracts investors to the United States and China? And where does Europe lag behind? For the main evening broadcast TV Nova commented EUROPEUM Institute analyst Filip Křenek.

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Timpul Prezent | European borders, EU enlargement and growing polarization in Slovakia

What are the borders of Europe and how do they coincide with the borders of the European Union? What are the prospects for EU enlargement towards the Western Balkans and the former Soviet states? These questions are addressed by Jana Juzová, senior researcher at EUROPEUM Institute for the Timpul Prezent podcast. She also discussed the consequences of the recent attack on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico and highlighted the growing polarization of Slovak society and the potential threat to media independence.

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BLOG | Radio Silence: EU Media Laws in the Hungarian Context

The European Union has passed major legislation to try and secure media freedom and independence in recent years. However, for the state of media pluralism in certain Member States, these efforts have come too late. In the Hungarian context, a pro-ruling party media ecosystem stands well-entrenched in the private and public media sector. Writes our researcher, Henry Barrett, a Fulbright-Schuman Grantee.

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ČT24 | Is there growing interest among young people in European politics?

According to the Eurobarometer survey, 91% of young people aged 15-24 believe that participation in European elections is important. How does this attitude translate into practice? Does this mean that there will be an increase in voter turnout among young people? What advantages and opportunities does the European Union offer to younger citizens? Can Brussels effectively explain the benefits of EU membership to young people? These are the questions addressed by Klára Votavová, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, for the Horizont programme on Czech TV.

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ČRo | Czech Republic abstains in the final vote on the migration pact

The Migration Pact heads to its final vote in the Council of Ministers. The Czech Republic will abstain in this final vote. What is the process of approval within the European Union? What led to the change of position? And what are the implications for the EU of the just-approved migration pact? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for Czech Radio.

Zjistit více | The elections to the European Parliament are approaching. The main topic is security

The European Parliament elections will take place in just one month's time. The main issue is the security of the European Union, according to experts. The new composition of the European Parliament will address the war conflict in Ukraine and the Middle East, as well as migration. Martin Vokálek, executive director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for

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RevivEU | Should we fear for the economic future of Europe?

We invite you to a public podcast recording focusing on the discussion of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on European industrial policy and its potential consequences for the Czech economy and society. We will discuss the new technological dynamics resulting from the pandemic and explore ways in which the European Union can respond to technological competition with the USA and China.

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ČT24 | The rise of the far-right in the EU elections

What are the reasons for the rise of the far-right in the upcoming European elections? Can we say that the far-right still holds anti-European views? What would the agenda of the European Parliament look like if the far-right gained more support? How likely is it that the European People's Party and Liberals would cooperate with the Conservatives? Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of EUROPEUM Institute's Brussels office, provided live answers on the program "Předvolební Evropa" on ČT24.

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Chyba systému | Symbolism during EU accession and our identity in the EU

This year, the Czech Republic celebrates 20 years since its accession to the European Union. Klára Votavová, a researcher from EUROPEUM Institute, points out in the political podcast "Chyba systému" by Czech Radio, that the accession wasn't as carefully considered as it might seem. And the idea of returning to Europe may have been overly optimistic. This is now reflected in the attitudes of Czechs towards the EU.

Zjistit více | 20 years of Czechia in the EU

On the 1st of May, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Czech Republic's accession to the European Union. How did the process of approval and accession to the EU proceed at the beginning of this century? What is the attitude of Czechs towards the EU? What was the original idea of the European community? The Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, Martin Vokálek, answered these questions for TN Live.

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