ČRo Radiozurnal: Can relations between the European Union and Turkey be expected to improve?

The head of our Brussels office spoke about the current improvement in relations between Ankara and Brussels. He attributes Erdoğan's turn in rhetoric not only to the outcome of the US elections, after which Turkey lost a significant teammate, but also to the upcoming elections in Germany, which may result in a significantly less conciliatory chancellor than Angela Merkel.

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Supporting media freedom in Serbia in relation to the EU accession process

We are delighted to announce the launch of a project focused on support for independent Serbian journalists reporting on Serbia’s EU integration process, its obstacles in the field of democratic governance, and the rule of law and fundamental rights and freedoms, including the freedom of media. The project is supported by the Transition Promotion Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and implemented together with the Centre for Contemporary Politics from Serbia.

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Podpora svobody médií v Srbsku s ohledem na přístupový proces do EU

S radostí oznamujeme začátek realizace projektu zaměřeného na podporu nezávislých srbských novinářů, reportujících o procesu integrace Srbska do EU a zejména o překážkách v oblastech demokratického vládnutí, vlády práva a základních práv a svobod, včetně svobody médií. Projekt byl podpořen Programem transformační spolupráce Ministerstva zahraničních věcí České republiky a je realizován společně se srbským Centre for Contemporary Politics.

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INVITATION: Western Balkans in 2020: EU Enlargement in Turbulent Times

We would like to invite you to a debate "Western Balkans in 2020: EU Enlargement in Turbulent Times". The event will take place on Friday 27 November between 17:00–18:15 via Zoom and will be broadcasted on Facebook.

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POLICY PAPER: EU membership of the Western Balkan states in times of crisis: From a strategic choice to protracted inertia

Our associate research fellow Marko Stojić in his latest policy paper deals with the Western Balkans' European perspective and the COVID-19 crises' impact on the countries' journey towards EU membership.

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Info.cz: Another blow to EU unity. Bulgarian "blackmailing" threatens the accession of Northern Macedonia

In her latest commentary, our research fellow Jana Juzová focuses on the recent development of the EU enlargement process in the Western Balkans, especially on the Bulgarian rejection of membership talks with Northern Macedonia.

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Commentary: EU – Western Balkans summit - More reforms, more money

Our Jana Juzová wrote in her commentary about the EU – Western Balkans summit.

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Invitation: EU enlargement during the coronavirus crisis: Opportunities and threats

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy invites you to the event organised by the Think Visegrad platform in Brussels titled "EU enlargement during the coronavirus crisis: Opportunities and threats". The online event will take place on Thrusday, 23 April.

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POLICY PAPER: Serbia's state of play regarding Chapters 23 and 24: One step forward, two steps back

Our research fellow Jana Juzová wrote a policy paper about the EU enlargement in the Western Balkans and about the situation in Serbia in regards to Chapters 23 and 24 of accession talks.

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POLICY PAPER: Serbia's state of play regarding Chapters 23 and 24: One step forward, two steps back

Naše výzkumná pracovnice Jana Juzová napsala policy paper o rozšiřování Evropské unie na západním Balkáně a o situaci v Srbsku v souvislosti s kapitolami 23 a 24 přístupových rozhovorů.

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