Warsaw Security Forum 2019: V4 Dialogue on Eastern Partnership

The project entitled “Warsaw Security Forum 2019: V4 Dialogue on Eastern Partnership” was carried out between May 2019 and January 2020 as part of the Casimir Pulaski Foundation’s annual flagship event: the Warsaw Security Forum (2-3 October 2019).

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Warsaw Security Forum 2019: V4 Dialogue on Eastern Partnership

The project entitled “Warsaw Security Forum 2019: V4 Dialogue on Eastern Partnership” was carried out between May 2019 and January 2020 as part of the Casimir Pulaski Foundation’s annual flagship event: the Warsaw Security Forum (2-3 October 2019).

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REPORT: European Foreign Policy towards Eastern Europe: Future of Eastern Partnership beyond 2020

The expert panel discussion titled “European Foreign Policy towards Eastern Europe: Future of Eastern Partnership beyond 2020” was organised by the Think Visegrad - V4 Think Tank Platform (represented by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy) together with the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the European Union and Association for International Affairs (AMO).

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Commentary: EUCO Meeting in June 2019

Christian Kvorning Lassen, Kateřina Davidová, Jana Juzová, Vít Havelka and Louis Cox-Brusseau react to the EUCO Meeting held in June 2019.

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Komentář: Zasedání Evropské rady v červnu 2019

Christian Kvorning Lassen, Kateřina Davidová, Jana Juzová, Vít Havelka a Louis Cox-Brusseau reagují na zasedání Evropské rady v červnu 2019.

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Příběh jednoho složitého sousedství: Polsko-běloruské vztahy ve 21. století

Matěj Faltus focused on Polish-Belarusian relationship since the year 1989 and further perspective.

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INVITATION: Between internal challenges and strategic autonomy

Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that we co-organize under the Prague European Summit titled ''Between internal challenges and strategic autonomy''. The event will take place on November 15th at 2PM in European House.

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Eastern Partnership: from the EaP summit to the debate on the new Multiannual Financial Framework

Eastern Monitor is back. This time the topic is EU's project of Eastern Partnership in the light of the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027. The author is Věra Řiháčková Pachta.

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Eastern Partnership: from the EaP summit to the debate on the new Multiannual Financial Framework

Eastern Monitor je zpět. Tentokrát píše Věra Řiháčková Pachta o projektu Evropské unie 'Východní partnerství' v kontextu plánovaného Víceletého finančního rámce na rok 2021-2027.

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REPORT: Open Government Partnership in the Czech Republic

On 24th of September we hosted a round table with Jeff Lovitt and Věra Řiháčková Pachta. The aim of the event was to present a progress and discuss major findings and recommendations of the OGP Independent Reporting (IRM) summarized in the Progress Report on the Czech Republic.

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