INVITATION: Decarbonisation as a cure for energy poverty: What next for the Social Climate Fund

We would like to invite you to a roundtable discussion on "Decarbonisation as a cure for energy poverty: What next for the Social Climate Fund" on 25th October 2022, 13:30 - 15:00, online on Zoom. The event is organised by the Centre for Transport and Energy and EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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POZVÁNKA: Decarbonisation as a cure for energy poverty: What next for the Social Climate Fund

Rádi bychom Vás pozvali ke kulatému stolu na téma " Decarbonisation as a cure for energy poverty: What next for the Social Climate Fund", který se bude konat 25th October 2022, 13:30 – 15:00, online on Zoom. Organizátory události jsou Centrum pro dopravu a energetiku a Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM.

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Think Tank Forum: EU enlargement

It is with great pleasure to invite you to participate in the EU Enlargement Think-tank Forum: Rethinking Enlargement in times of Geopolitical Earthquakes organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with other partners between 13th and 14th October 2022 in Prague. Invitation only for in-person participation.

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INVITATION: EU±: Climate in the European Parliament - Outlook for the Czech Presidency

We cordially invite you to the next debate in the EU± series, this time on the topic Climate in the European Parliament - Outlook for the Czech Presidency. How will the vote affect the Czech Presidency? Does this mean the end of the green policy efforts in the EU? The debate will take place online on Facebook on Wednesday 14 June at 17:30.

Zjistit více A blow to the Czech car industry? MEPs approve end to internal combustion engines

In connection with the approval of the proposal to ban the sale of cars with internal combustion engines after 2035, Michal Hruby's commentary for the Seznam Zprávy news website is an optimistic view of the future that awaits us with electric cars.

Zjistit více The European Parliament today missed an opportunity to position the EU as a clear climate leader

According to Michal Hrubý, our researcher, the state's responsibility for the overall reduction of emissions in transport is a signal for the transition to cleaner mobility. In his commentary, he discusses what challenges await us in the transition to emission-free car models after 2035 and what opportunities are open to the Czech Republic in this direction. Kateřina Davidová, a researcher at our institute, adds her words on European climate policy, describing the possible impacts of weakening the EU ETS.

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INVITATION: Fair and sustainable future of transport and buildings: Outlook for the Czech Presidency

We would like to invite you to a roundtable on "Fair and sustainable future of transport and buildings: Outlook for the Czech Presidency" on 24 May 2022 at 2 pm via the ZOOM platform. The event is organised by Centre for Transport and Energy and EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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Empowering Serbian CSOs involved in the decarbonization process through the V4 experience

The project focuses on strengthening civil society organizations in Serbia towards more successful advocacy and enhanced participation in policymaking within the area of green transformation with a particular focus on coal phase-out.

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Policy Paper: The Future of Energy Poverty: Will the Social Climate Fund be enough for a Just Transition?

Our researcher Katharine Klačanský wrote a policy paper on "The Future of Energy Poverty: Will the Social Climate Fund be enough for a just transition?" in which she mentions, for example, that a just transition to a green economy is one that leaves no one behind.

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Policy Paper: The Future of Energy Poverty: Will the Social Climate Fund be enough for a Just Transition?

Naše výzkumná pracovnice Katharine Klačanský napsala policy paper na téma "Budoucnost energetické chudoby: Bude Sociální klimatický fond stačit pro spravedlivý přechod?" ve kterém zmiňuje například, že spravedlivý přechod k zelené ekonomice je takový, který nikoho nenechá pozadu.

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