Slovakia: possible crisis of democratic society?

Our Alexandra Visnerova analyses, in her latest blog, the aftermath of the murder of an investigative journalist and his fiancée in Slovakia.

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NovýČas: Orbán's victory with Fidesz: Why will he control Hungary?

Our Vladimír Bartovic commented for the Slovak journal Nový Čas on Viktor Orban's victory in the parliamentary elections and his future plans.

Zjistit více Viktor Orbán won the parliamentary elections. What can we expect?

Vladimír Bartovic has commented for on the results of the Hungarian parliamentary elections, and gave his opinion on what to expect from Orbán in the future.

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Le Temps: False departure of the Slovak prime minister

Vladimír Bartovic commented for the Swiss journal Le Temps, on the political situation in relation to the homicide of two journalist in Slovakia.

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Serbia on the EU path: A troublesome journey through uncharted territory

Our latest Eastern Monitor, authored by Marko Stojić, analyses the recently published Enlargement Strategy for the Western Balkan candidates by the European Commission and explores the probability of 2025 in terms of Serbian accession.

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Serbia on the EU path: A troublesome journey through uncharted territory

Další příspěvek ze série EASTERN MONITOR sepsal náš Marko Stojić, který zkoumá možnost rozšíření EU o Srbsko s ohledem na hodnotící dokument, který vydala Evropská komise.

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TA3: A. Lagazzi on the Italian parliamentary elections

What to expect on the Italian political scene after the elections? Alexandr Lagazzi reviewed the results of the parliamentary elections in Italy.

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EUobserver: Czech PM Babis courts EU after Zeman win

Our director Vladimir Bartovic commented on the situation after the Czech presidential election 2018 and assessed the position of the Czech PM Andrej Babiš towards the EU.

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Andrej Babiš and the European Union: what to expect in 2018?

Andrej Babiš and his ANO movement emerged as clear victors of the Czech Parliamentary elections in October 2017. Now it's January 2018 and the results of upcoming presidential elections will have a major influence on the future direction of the country.

Zjistit více PDF The migration problematic dominates in the Italian election campaign, and the 'troublemaker' Berlusconi is back.

Our Alexandr Lagazzi in cooperation with Tomáš Jungwirth published for a commentary about the upcoming parliamentary elections in Italy and its impact on migration policy.

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