ČRo Plus: Is a new informal block within EU in the making?

The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Vladimír Bartovic, was a guest of the broadcast of the Czech Radio Plus station on Sunday, November 29. In the interview, he commented on the current Slovenian cooperation with Hungary and Poland.

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ČRo Plus: Vzniká v Evropské unii nový neformální blok?

Ředitel Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM Vladimír Bartovic byl v neděli 29. listopadu hostem vysílání stanice Český rozhlas Plus. V rozhovoru mluvil zejména o slovinské spolupráci se zeměmi V4.

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TASR: Different positions of the V4 countries may now have more dramatic consequences

Our research fellow Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on different positions of the V4 states in the matter of linking European funds drawing with respect for the rule of law. Last week, Hungary and Poland vetoed both the EU’s annual and multi-annual budgets, while Czechia and Slovakia supported it alongside with other Member States.

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TA3: Blocking of Recovery Fund

The director of our Institute Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of the TA3 television on Thursday. He commented on the current situation regarding the European budget and Recovery Fund, which aims to help the EU countries in post-pandemic recovering.

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ČRo Plus: The dispute between Poland and Hungary and the rest of the European Union: The struggle for the rule of law and the budget

Our researcher Vít Havelka was a guest on Sunday's broadcast of Evropa Plus, where he commented on the possible consequences of a dispute between Poland and Hungary and the rest of the European Union concerning the establishment of the EU budget for the rule of law. He also commented on cases in which the proposed legislative act could be applied.

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TA3: Blocking of European budget

The director of our institute Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of the TA3 television broadcast focusing on the new European budget proposal which has been blocked by Hungary and Poland.

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Polish abortion law: implications for European integration and transatlantic cooperation

In her blog post, Magdalena Rubin discusses the Polish abortion law and its implications for European integration and transatlantic cooperation.

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Polský potratový zákon: dopady na evropskou integraci a transatlantickou spolupráci

Ve svém blogovém příspěvku Magdalena Rubin pojednává o polském potratovém zákoně a jeho dopadech na evropskou integraci a transatlantickou spolupráci.

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INVITATION: EU± // European budget

We would like to invite you to another EU± debate, this time focusing on the proposed European budget. The debate is organized in cooperation with Jean Monnet Chair TeDEUSS and co-financed with the funds from Europe for Citizens Programme. The event will take place on Monday, November 23 at 18:30 PM online on our Facebook.

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INVITATION: Future of the EU after Covid-19 – Views from Visegrad

We would like to invite you to the Think Visegrad Panel Discussion focused on the topic of "Future of the EU after Covid-19". The event will take place on Wednesday 11 November between 16:00–17:15 via Zoom and will be broadcasted on Facebook.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Praha 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552
email: europeum@europeum.org