Ekolist.cz | Transport poverty: there are a few preventive measures against it, says expert

Transport costs may become more expensive under the new emissions trading scheme, which will hit low-income households hardest. But the so-called transport poverty need not only be financial. It is also about infrastructure accessibility and physical usability. Rebeka Hengalová, researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Ekolist.cz.

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Policy Paper | SUMP IT UP: Prague Moving towards Sustainable Urban Mobility

Katarína Svitková, our research associate, wrote a policy paper on sustainable mobility in Prague. According to Katarína, cities play an important role in reducing the carbon footprint. Therefore, one of the key areas to focus on is urban transport.

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Policy Brief: Responding to China's connectivity agenda in EU's Neighborhood: a Central European perspective

A Policy Brief on the appropriate response of Central European countries to China's expansion in the EU neighbourhood was produced during a study visit to the Brussels office of the Think Visegrad platform. The author of the paper, Jakub Jakóbowski, focuses on the possibilities of engaging Central Europe in the EU's global connectivity agenda, implemented under the Global Gateway initiative. He highlights links with the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership as an indispensable element of Central European connectivity.

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POLICY REPORT: The perspectives of the Czech automotive industry's decarbonization

Our Research Fellow Michal Hrubý examines the current state of the Czech automotive industry and its possible decarbonisation in connection with emissions. He divides his recommendations into five points - bolster green investments, financial incentives are the change-drivers, boost charging infrastructure, support the corporate BEVs fleet market and a ban on ICEVs is not the solution per se. The policy report was written within the project Decarbonisation of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic.

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National Convention on EU Affairs: Reform of emission trading system EU ETS

Our institute is a guarantee of the National Convention on EU Affairs on the topic of Reform of emission trading system EU ETS, which will take place online on Friday 9 April.

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POLICY PAPER: Behavioural Science for the Environment

Junior Researcher Milan Urbaník explored the use of behavioural science in tackling climate change in his policy paper.

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POLICY PAPER: Behaviorální věda pro životní prostředí

Juniorní výzkumník Milan Urbaník se v policy paperu zabýval využitím behaviorální vědy v řešení klimatické změny.

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Austrian border plan damaging symbolic Brenner Pass

Austria has announced plans to implement border controls at its shared border with Italy at the Brenner Pass. Alexandr Lagazzi analyses such move with regards to both Italy's and the Commission's reactions.

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