INVITATION: EU± 20 years of the Allied mission in Afghanistan - what are the lessons for NATO and the EU?

We invite you to the debate "20 years of the Allied mission in Afghanistan - what are the lessons for NATO and the EU?", which will take place online on Thursday 4 November 2021 at 18:00.

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INVITATION: EU policy 2020/21 - what has happened, what has changed and what have we learned?

We invite you to a debate "EU Policy 2020/21 - what has happened, what has changed, and what have we learned?" The debate will take place on Wednesday 3 November 2021 at 18:00.

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RECOMMENDATION: National Convention on the EU: Sustainable mobility in the context of the "Fit for 55" package

The latest National Convention on the EU took place on the 15th of October 2021. Here is a summary of the basic points discussed at the Convention. The recommendation was prepared by Michal Hrubý.

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Policy Paper: Terrorism, Cryptocurrencies and the EU Response

In her policy paper "Terrorism, Cryptocurrencies and the EU Response", written under the project Think Visegrad in Brussels, Asya Metodieva, a research fellow at the Institute of International Relations Prague, writes about what terrorists use cryptocurrencies for, assesses ongoing regulatory initiatives at the EU level, and last but not least, examines how the Visegrad Four (V4) countries view cryptocurrencies in relation to terrorism-related threats at the level of national level.

Show more PDF Analysis: Less anti-EU rhetoric and distance from Orbán. The substance of foreign policy remains

Zdeněk Beranek, Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, commented for the news portal E15 on the future direction of Czech foreign policy towards the European Union. Beránek does not expect a significant change in attitude towards the EU and expects the anti-Brussels rhetoric to cease with the new government. On the other hand, relations with problematic EU members such as Poland and Hungary will weaken.

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INVITATION: Czech Republic at the centre of EU space research - how is Europe doing in space exploration?

In recent months, the European Union has made several changes in the field of space research that will give the Czech Republic more opportunities to get involved in this area. How space projects are progressing in the EU and what opportunities it brings to the Czech Republic will be the subject of another Café Evropa debate.

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RECOMMENDATION: National Convention on the EU: Programme of the Presidency Trio France - Czech Republic - Sweden

We bring you a summary and recommendations resulting from the roundtable discussion of the National Convention on the EU held on 1 October 2021. The recommendations were prepared by Zuzana Kasáková.

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INVITATION: EU± // Is the V4 the most important Czech ally in the EU?

We invite you to the EU± debate, this time on whether the V4 is the most important ally of the Czech Republic. The debate is organised with the support of the Jean Monnet Chair TeDEUSS - Teaching and debating EU small states' security at FSV UK and co-funded by the European Union's Europe for Citizens programme.

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RTVS: Arming security forces in the context of terrorism in Norway

Christian Kvorning Lassen, deputy director and head of research at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the RTVS programme Rádiožurnál on the terrorist attack of 13 October 2021 in the context of arming the security forces 10 years after Anders Breivik's attack.

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Deník N: The COP26 conference is the last chance to alleviate warming, the participants of the Prague Climate Talks agreed

The upcoming COP26 conference was also addressed at the last of this year's Prague Climate Talks debates. The for a year postponed UN climate summit is often seen as a turning point. More attention will be focused on the world's major emitters such as the US and China.

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