Report: European Summer School 2019 "Europe Restart

In July 2019, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy organized already the seventeenth annual European Summer School in Prague. This year’s programme was focused on the challenges that the European Union is currently facing, particularly from the perspective of Central European countries.

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RCF: European Parliament hearing - Democracy in action?

Our Martin Michelot was a guest of the French radio station Radio chrétienne francophone. He analyzed the so-called grilling, during which MEPs question future European Commissioners.

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RCF: Slyšení Evropského parlamentu – Demokracie v akci?

Náš Martin Michelot pro francouzskou rádiovou stanici Radio chrétienne francophone analyzoval takzvané grillování, tedy slyšení budoucích evropských komisařů před Evropským parlamentem.

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INVITATION: 15 + 15 years of freedom

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and Festival of Democracy would like to cordially invite you to the discussion "15 + 15 years of freedom", which takes place on Sunday, October 13th.

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INVITATION: The new European Commission – What to expect?

Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that we co-organize under the Prague European Summit titled ''The new European Commission – What to expect?''. The event will take place on October 9th at 3 PM in the European House.

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Policy Paper: Czech Education Policy – Increasing attractiveness of teaching profession in the Czech Republic

Our Milan Urbaník published policy paper about Increasing attractiveness of teaching profession in the Czech Republic.

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Policy Paper: Česká vzdělávací politika - Zvyšování atraktivity učitelské profese v České republice

Náš Milan Urbaník publikoval policy paper o Zvyšování atraktivity učitelské profese v České republice.

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INVITATION: EU± // How will European Parliament change after elections?

We invite you to another debate from the series EU±, whose topic is going to be: How is European Parliament going to change after elections? The event is going to take place in Prague Creative Center (Staroměstské náměstí 4/1, 110 00) on 25 April 2019 from 6PM to 7:30PM.

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INVITATION: EU± // Brexit – Where do we stand only a month before the withdrawal?

Accept our sincere invitation to a debate that will be held on Thursday, February 28th at 6PM.

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European Summer School 2019 – Restarting Europe: The Central European Perspective

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy organizes its 17th European Summer School - this time focused on current issues that the European Union faces, including the reform processes and the position of Central European countries.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Prague 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552