EU-Pacific Talks: Japan – V4 relations – more central but still European

We would like to invite you to the fourth debate from the EU-Pacific talks series titled "Japan – V4 relations – more central but still European" The debate will take place online on the 11th of January and will be broadcasted on our Facebook page.

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INVITATION: Presentation of surveys - Attitude of Czechs towards the pandemic, climate measures and the European Union

We would like to invite you to a presentation of surveys on Czechs' attitudes towards the European Union, green policy, pandemic measures and other divisive issues. The event will take place on our Facebook page on Tuesday 21 December at 14:00.

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UPDATE: Czech Perception of the EU Climate Policy

Our researcher Vít Havelka has written an Update entitled Czech Perception of the EU Climate Policy, in which he discusses the Green Deal and brings readers up to date on the latest findings and issues that could arise in the future.

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SWP: Between change and continuity: European expectations towards Czech and German EU policies after the 2021 elections

For the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Žiga Faktor, Director of our Brussels office, and Zuzana Stuchlíková, Research Associate at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, co-authored an article on the European expectations of the Czech and German governments' European policy.

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Policy Paper: Green Transformation: reconfiguration of consumption in Norway and the Czech Republic in a more sustainable direction

Our research fellow Vít Havelka together with Torval Tangeland, Petr Soukup, Nikola Hořejš, and Pål Strandbakken wrote a Policy Paper as a part of the project Green Transformation: Sustainable Consumption and European Single Market policies supported by the Norway Grants in the Czech Republic. In this paper, he compares and identifies knowledge gaps between Czech and Norwegian consumers. He gives an overview of the present situation in both countries, including possible research gaps and describes the unique national contexts and experiences.

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INVITATION: EU-PACIFIC Talks: EU – Japan Strategic dialogue: climate change cooperation as a pathway to the future

We would like to invite you to the third of six debates in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on Wednesday 1 December at 18:00 and you can watch the online stream on our Facebook page.

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iRozhlas: 'If we can't reach our goal, we will have things to answer for.' Countries are aware that the planet needs our saving

Climate policy expert and a research fellow at the EUROPEUM Institute for European policy Kateřina Davidová spoke with iRozhlas on the issue of global warming in connection with the new deal, which was agreed upon by almost 200 countries at a climate conference in Glasgow.

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Evaluating Transatlantic Relations – For better or for worse?

Our Research Fellow Danielle Piatkiewicz and Project Manager Alexandra Visnerova wrote a background paper under the Transatlantic Policy Forum in which they evaluate the new transatlantic agenda and goals of both EU and the US and assess how the two sides can work closer together to tackle geopolitical challengers, align on security, trade, climate, and digital policies. The paper offers recommendations on how to strengthen the transatlantic relationship, with special emphasis placed on the Central and Eastern European region.

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Čro PLUS: Coal mining is slowly coming to an end

Analyst and climate policy expert Kateřina Davidová evaluated the COP26 conference in Glasgow for Český rozhlas PLUS. She highlighted the article on coal, the goal of keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees and the formation of an alliance led by Denmark and Costa Rica, which called for a discussion on ending oil and gas extraction.

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Five parties agree on new pro-European government: Orbán has lost its close ally

The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Zdeněk Beránek, commented for the Danish newspaper Politiken on the topic of Orbán's ally loss - Andrej Babiš. He commented on the changes that come with the departure of Babiš and his replacement by Petr Fiala as prime minister. He mentions the rhetoric and style, the stance on the European Union's climate packages and the identification and solution of the Czech Republic's problems.

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