From Warsaw to Tirana: Overcoming the past together

We are proud to announce that we will be organizing the project ''From Warsaw to Tirana: Overcoming the past together'', supported by the International Visegrad Fund.

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From Warsaw to Tirana: Overcoming the past together

S radostí oznamujeme, že se budeme organizovat projekt ''From Warsaw to Tirana: Overcoming the past together'', který je podpořen z prostředků International Visegrad Fund.

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Commentary: EUCO Meeting in December 2018

Vladimír Bartovic, Vít Havelka, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Jana Juzová, Kateřina Davidová, Martin Michelot and Zuzana Stuchlíková react to the EUCO Meeting held in December 2018.

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Returning from violence: How to tackle the foreign fighters’ problem in the Western Balkans?

How to tackle the issue with returning foreign fighters? Our Christian Kvorning contributed to the new IFAT publication with a chapter about the Aarhus model.

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Returning from violence: How to tackle the foreign fighters’ problem in the Western Balkans?

Jak se vypořádat se zahraničními bojovníky vracející se z oblastí bojů? Náš Christian Kvorning přispěl kapitolou do nové publikace maďarského institutu IFAT, kde popisuje model praktikovaný v dánském městě Aarhus.

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New Security Challenges from a Visegrad 4 Perspective

Martin Michelot and Martin Macq wrote an introductory chapter for the new IFAT's publication on the security challenges for the V4 countries.

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New Security Challenges from a Visegrad 4 Perspective

Martin Michelot a Martin Macq přispěli úvodní kapitolou do nové publikace maďarského institutu IFAT na téma bezpečnostních výzev v rámci V4.

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What do the United States mid-term elections mean for Europe?

Our Rachel Warren analyses, in her latest blog, the round of mid-term elections that were just held in the US.

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What do the United States mid-term elections mean for Europe?

Naše Rachel Warren analyzuje ve svém nejnovějším blogu právě proběhlé kongresové volby v USA.

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INVITATION: Echoes of the EU – Western Balkans summit: New beginning?

We would like to invite you to the conference titled ''Echoes of the EU – Western Balkans summit: New beginning?'' which will take place on May 23, 2018.

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