| Up to a third of Czech voters do not know the EU Commissioner Věra Jourová

Czech Commissioner Věra Jourová has been Vice-President of the European Commission for the past five years, as well as Commissioner for Values and Transparency. EUROPEUM Institute has assessed her tenure and popularity in the Czech Republic in cooperation with STEM. The results of the survey were presented to by EUROPEUM analyst Vít Havelka.

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MF Dnes | Battle for the European Commissioners

With the upcoming elections, political parties are expressing their views on potential candidates for EU commissioner and their chances. Among the most frequently mentioned names are Danuše Nerudová, Jozef Síkela, and Marcel Kolaja. What experiences are most important for potential new members of the European Parliament? And is it better for them to have a narrow specialization or a broader overview? These questions are answered by Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, for newspaper Mladá fronta Dnes.

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RTVS | Proposal for the position of Commissioner for Defense

The current President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, proposes the creation of a new position: Commissioner for Defense in the future Commission. Is this proposal feasible? When could this position be established? And who would fill it? How would enhanced EU defense operate alongside NATO was addressed by Vít Havelka, Senior Researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, in a commentary for the Slovak television RTVS.

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TASR | Establishment of the Slovak Republic in the EU structures

Twenty years ago, the European Union underwent its biggest enlargement with the addition of ten Central and Eastern European countries. According to Vít Havelka, Senior Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, this is enough time for all accession countries to learn how to navigate the EU institutions and its decision-making process.

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CNN Prima News | The European Army and the position of the Defense Commissioner

The next European Commission should have a new Commissioner for Defense. There is speculation that this position could go to the Czech Republic. However, some European politicians, such as French President Emmanuel Macron, are calling directly for the creation of European army. But what are the pitfalls of the project? Vít Havelka, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, talked about the usefulness and possibilities for CNN Prima News.

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ČT24 | The role of MEPs in the eyes of Czech citizens

Interest in the European Parliament elections remains low, and increased turnout is not expected this year either. The Czech perception of the European Union is partly shaped by political expressions, influencing a rather eurosceptic public perception. Although Czech MEPs have the potential to contribute significantly within the Parliament, the public has only limited awareness of their work and influence. Speculations about future positions within the ECR faction and possible commissioner positions are still premature. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, opened these topics on the evening broadcast 90’ on ČT24.

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Op-Ed | The grain dispute is the first sign that Ukraine's EU accession will not be easy. What obstacles await on this path?

The Ukrainian grain situation is making waves in Europe. Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office Ziga Faktor wrote an Op-Ed about the impact of the situation on the country's EU accession and how some member states are reacting.

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Op-Ed | Subsidised fossil fuels are a major obstacle to solving the climate crisis. The Czech Republic and the world must confront it

One of the biggest obstacles to solving the climate crisis is fossil fuel subsidies. However, they have not received much attention in the Czech Republic. An Op-Ed on this topic was written by our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová.

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REPORT | Shaping Our Digital Future: tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe

Read the report from the debate "Shaping Our Digital Future: tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe", which took place on 27 March in Brussels.

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REPORT | Shaping Our Digital Future: tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe

Přečtěte si report z debaty "Shaping Our Digital Future: tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe", která proběhla 27. března v Bruselu.

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