ČT24 | Amendment to the law on emission allowances would bring changes in Czech climate policy

The Czech government is currently discussing an amendment to the law on emission allowances, according to which 100% of the proceeds from emissions trading would be dedicated to climate action. The negotiations include deciding which ministry will administer these amounts. Our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová weighed in on the issue.

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INVITATION | Czechia 2030: how to support green transformation and not throw money out the window?

We invite you to a conference on energy transition, meaningful investment and social security in Czech society, which will take place on Monday 20 November 2023 at 13:00 at the European House in Prague.

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INVITATION | Urban Talk: Female Empowerment

We would like to invite you to a debate on "Female Empowerment" that is organized as a part of the Prague European Summit. The debate will take place on Monday, 13th of November 2023, from 16:00 in Karolinum.

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Circularity and lifecycle management of batteries and structural materials in the automotive industry as an opportunity for Czechia*

After three successful projects focusing on the decarbonization of the Czech automotive industry, the Green Europe team of EUROPEUM in collaboration with the Institute of Circular Economy (INCIEN) is broadening its focus and taking a more circular approach. This project will focus on better lifecycle and end-of-life management of materials used in vehicles and batteries. The collaboration will be split into two research areas.

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EURACTIV: European cities face heatwaves. How are they combating it and what can the Czech Republic learn?

Cities in southern and western Europe are adapting to summer heatwaves. What measures are they taking to protect their citizens? In an article for EURACTIV, EUROPEUM Institute Associate Katarína Svitková describes the situation.

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ČT24: Under Ursula von der Leyen's leadership, the European Commission has succeeded in meeting more than ninety percent of its priorities

Ursula von der Leyen delivers her last State of the Union speech of her term today. Our researcher Klára Votavová responded to questions from the Czech Television about the speech.

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National Convention on the EU | Background material: The European Political Community and its future potential

Our Senior Research Fellow Jana Juzová, Associate Research Fellow Zuzana Kasáková and Head of the Brussels Office Žiga Faktor prepared the background material for the roundtable of the National Convention on the EU. The topic is "The European Political Community and its future potential". Three main questions are put to the roundtable: What potential does the European Political Community offer and how can it complement existing platforms and processes? In which areas of cooperation does the platform have the greatest potential and what should it focus on? What format and modus operandi would be most beneficial for the Platform to fulfil its purpose?

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Third year | Decarbonisation of the Czech automotive industry

The climate team of EUROPEUM is currently delivering the 3rd year of its project focused on the decarbonisation of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic. We want to build upon our experience and move this work forward with a more targeted approach. We will focus on three main areas, which we have identified as crucial parts of the puzzle for transitioning to cleaner modes of transport.

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Finmag: An unequal fight with the USA. Czech industry must turn green to survive

Relatively unnoticed, in August of last year, the Congress of the United States of America voted to pass the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). This decision may be one of the most important steps in the fight against climate change this decade. Inflation Reduction Act is a massive investment package that can fundamentally affect the current approach of Europe and other countries to green transformation. The transition to clean technologies, research, development, and production, can no longer be perceived purely as a question of reducing emissions, but also as a question of maintaining competitiveness on the global market. The green race has started and the Czech Republic should step up.

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Ekonews: Czech industry must turn green to survive, says expert

Last August, a decision was made that may be one of the most important steps in the fight against climate change this decade. Relatively unnoticed, the United States Congress voted to pass the Inflation Reduction Act. This is a massive investment package that could fundamentally affect the way Europe and other countries have approached the green transformation to date.

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