Impact of New Technologies on International Relations: Digital Threats to Democracy

We would like to invite you to the debate "Impact of New Technologies on International Relations: Digital Threats to Democracy". The debate will take place online on the 13th of October at 10:30am at the Facebook page Think Visegrad in Brussels.

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EU – Pacific Talks

The debates will be organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. This series of debates aims to bring together experts, stakeholders, state officials and academia to discuss the most up – to date topics including the global actors as China and the United States. Over the course of 6 months, the most tempting issues will be on the table, such as growing influence of China, climate agenda, economic relations or the United States new administration.

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Policy Paper: China vs. US: The Green Energy Race

In her policy paper, Katharine Klačanský, Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, discusses the role of climate in geopolitics and provides an overview of the Chinese and American green investment plan and its implications for the future of fossil fuels.

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The Transatlantic To-Do List: Biden's Progress Report

Last October, the third annual Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF) took place virtually. The Forum not only brought together a wide range of experts but provided inputs and interesting takeaways, including recommendations and a Transatlantic To-Do List, which outlined action points on how the US and the EU should approach the given challenges ranging from increased multilateral collaboration to further development of economic and security engagement. A little over 6 months into his administration, our EUROPEUM experts Danielle Piatkiewicz and Miroslava Pisklová have updated their Transatlantic To-Do List and their 100 day’s progress report to reflect on where Biden’s foreign policy stands now over a half a year into the new US administration.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: Life in the online age - how are we doing in the current digital transformation?

We would like to invite you to another in a series of debates of Café Evropa, this time on the topic of the rule of law in the EU. The debate is organized by the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic, European Parliament office and the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM. The media partner of the debate is Dení The debate will take place online on March 31 from 18:00 on our Facebook and YouTube.

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POLICY PAPER: Waste as a cause of climate change: what to do with it?

Štěpán Vaškevič in his policy paper examines an often neglected activity in climate policies - waste management and its impact on climate change. How is the Czech republic really standing when it comes to this phenomena? And what are the further perspectives?

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POLICY PAPER: Odpad jako příčina klimatické změny: co s ním?

Štěpán Vaškevič ve svém policy paperu zkoumá často opomíjený faktor klimatických změn, a sice odpad a jeho nakládání s ním. Jak se Česká republika potýká s tímto problémem ve srovnání s ostatními zeměmi? A jaké jsou výhledy do budoucna?

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