What will Draghi’s government mean for Italy’s climate policy and the European Green Deal?

In a blog post, Charlotte Bufano writes about what Mario Draghi's government can mean for Italy's climate policy and the European Green Deal.

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Co bude Draghiho vláda znamenat pro italskou klimatickou politiku a Zelenou dohodu pro Evropu?

Charlotte Bufano v blogovém článku píše o tom, co může vláda Maria Draghiho znamenat pro italskou klimatickou politiku a Zelenou dohodu pro Evropu.

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America back in business: What rejoining the Paris Agreement means for EU climate ambition?

In her blog post, our intern Charlotte Bufano discusses what rejoining the Paris Agreement means for EU climate ambition?

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Amerika je zpět: Co znamená opětovné připojení se k Pařížské dohodě pro ambice EU v oblasti klimatu?

Ve svém blogovém příspěvku naše stážistka Charlotte Bufano pojednává o tom, co znamená opětovné připojení se Spojených států amerických k Pařížské dohodě pro ambice EU v oblasti klimatu?

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: Personal responsibility in the fight against climate change - how can each of us contribute to the fulfillment of the Green Agre

We invite you to another debate in the Café Evropa format on Personal Responsibility in the Fight against Climate Change - How can each of us contribute to the fulfillment of the Green Agreement? The debate is organized by the European Commission in the Czech Republic, the Office of the European Parliament in the Czech Republic and the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. The media partner of the debate is Deník.cz.

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European Summer School (ESS)

The European Summer School in Prague is an intensive 8-day learning programme focused on European integration. It is organized by one of the leading think tanks in Prague, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy under the auspices of the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic and in cooperation with Prague College and Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University.

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POLICY BRIEF: Implications of the 2020 US Presidential Election on the EU and Czech Climate Policy

In her brief, Aneta Navrátilová writes about the implications of the 2020 US Presidential Election on the EU and Czech Climate Policy

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Balkan Insight: Czechia in 2021: Health, Wealth and Nuclear to Dominate Election

Danielle Piatkiewicz commented on what awaits Czechia in 2021 for the Balkan Insight.

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COMMENTARIES: Summit of EU leaders on the multiannual EU budget

Experts from the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM comment on the EU summit of leaders on the multiannual budget, which took place on 10-11 December 2020 in Brussels.

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POLICY PAPER: Behavioural Science for the Environment

Junior Researcher Milan Urbaník explored the use of behavioural science in tackling climate change in his policy paper.

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